国际文凭(IB)与传统教育引领世界 走向未来
什么样的教学方法是对你孩子最好的?是能够帮助学生发展在全球化的世界中取得成功所必需的技能和价值观如:国际情怀、沟通交流技能和批判性思考技能? 来聆听父母们分享他们突破性的故事,如何向过时的教学方法说“不”而对 IB 说“是”。 For more webinars, subscribe to our webinar playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… <hr> <p>[ninja_form id=12]</p>
Enrichment classes: Finding the balance
How to get the most out of them? When are they too much? Planning ahead – things to look out for? The experiences and skills that your child could gain from enrichment classes are endless. However, we hear mixed opinions about enrichment classes being redundant or laugh over stories of some ‘kiasu’ parents who send […]
IB vs Traditional School Approach
Insights that you need to know about, Behind the Curtains! Discern for yourself what’s best for your child. An approach that focuses on memorisation or drawing out curiosity? That encourages exam question spotting or has future relevant assessment methods? That has only one right answer or that encourages exploring options? Listen to breakthrough stories from […]
What is the International Baccalaureate?
Dr Vincent Chian, Principal of Fairview International School presents a short and parent-focused explanation of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. Fairview uses the best methods in teaching and learning – Inquiry Based, Concept based Teaching and Learning and International Mindedness. #internationalbaccalaureate#ibeducation#ibworldschoolmalaysia
Do habits work for teens? A Perfect IBDP score full scholar shares his top 5 HABITS.
Have you heard about the power of habits or how to make them work for you? Ahnaf Rahman is a busy student. He needs to make sure his time is spent efficiently and effectively. Habits proved to be the answer to this. By incorporating certain practices as routine in his life, he is able to […]
Want to Learn By Understanding? I’ll Show You How!
Siloed thinking is a common problem in many organisations and adults. It’s where people can’t create connections between areas of knowledge. Most of the amazing breakthroughs in the last decade have come at the intersection of two previously separate disciplines. Amazing people are able to see beyond the limitations everyone else has. In the IB, […]
Nurturing Independent Learners
Wouldn’t it be great to have kids who do their homework and self-studies without being reminded? This is probably one of the hottest topics during this pandemic especially with our children taking up online lessons from home. Watch this interactive webinar and we will share effective tips with you on creating student agency.
Raising an Independent Child
As a parent, we want our children to have the confidence to choose what they want in life. But yet, the education system typically removes choices and options from our children. What to study, how to answer, how to behave: these are all dictated in a way to standardize for mass education. How can our […]
How an IB Education Brings Out The Best in EVERY Child
Inclusive education believes that every child can and will succeed, if they are nurtured in the right environment. Many schools, with difficult entrance exams choose an exclusive form of education and choose to serve the academically gifted. The IB programmes at Fairview International School are designed to be inclusive, to bring out the best in […]
From one parent to another : The IB Diploma Programme, an unfair advantage (6/6)
After reading the previous articles, a reader told me she now has a better idea of what the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is. It encompasses academic excellence, skills enhancement, character building and developing perseverance. Very holistic and truly an education for future. The question is what’s next? What is in the pipeline for my child […]