
许多老师认为,在课堂上不停地向学生发问就是探究方式的教学方法。然而,这种近乎审问的提问方式并非真正意义上的探究型教学。探究式学习是一种运用多种策略,通过提问来激发好奇心和引发学习动机的学习方式。 真诚的邀请您加入我们的小型网络研讨会,和我一起了解我们是如何激发年轻学子的好奇心以及作为家长的您该如何引导孩子成为勤于思考的终身学习者!

How an IB Education Brings Out The Best in EVERY Child

Inclusive education believes that every child can and will succeed, if they are nurtured in the right environment. Many schools, with difficult entrance exams choose an exclusive form of education and choose to serve the academically gifted. The IB programmes at Fairview International School are designed to be inclusive, to bring out the best in […]

Delaney Ng’s Violin Performance

Inspire your child’s creativity with a love for music with our unique “Everyone’s a Musician” programme where every child learns one orchestral musical instrument! In this video, we feature Delaney Ng. Currently under the tutelage of Lisa Chia, Delaney developed a strong interest and love for the violin from the age of 7, when she […]


作为父母,您希望培养出什么的孩子呢?想必都是希望孩子能通过自主性学习建立美满的人生。现今的教育体系能否帮助您实现这个愿望呢? IB中学侧重于“学习如何学习”,培育孩子学习技巧包括沟通、组织、自我管理、反思、研究、创造性和批判性思维等等。 通过完成个人项目,孩子可以运用以上技巧及课堂知识,实践探索他们的兴趣,成为全面性发展的青少年。